Selasa, 16 November 2021



Tahapan media online, seperti Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, atau YouTube, sangat penting untuk kehadiran hari demi hari bagi sejumlah besar orang yang menggunakannya untuk berbagi foto perjalanan, atau dari acara luar biasa. Media online dan substansinya apalagi secara logis mengisi sebagai sumber informasi, bahkan telah menggantikan media standar seperti TV atau koran. Dengan demikian, konten media elektronik dapat mengharapkan bagian besar dalam metodologi publikasi substansi keseluruhan asosiasi. Konten melalui saluran media elektronik dapat memiliki jangkauan yang luas, dan mengingat kedekatannya dengan pelanggan sering kali dapat menunjukkan kemajuan yang lebih mengesankan daripada yang patut dipuji. Dalam kondisi eksplisit, komentar positif melalui media online bahkan dapat mengangkat peringkat Google. Bagaimanapun, konten media online juga memperhatikan aturannya sendiri,

Asosiasi kasual yang terdesentralisasi bekerja pada pekerja yang dijalankan tanpa hambatan, bukan pada spesialis terikat bersama yang ditegaskan oleh sebuah bisnis. Pengembangan Blockchain memberikan bagian data untuk ditangani di spesialis di mana pun di dunia. Ini mengembangkan keterusterangan, karena data dapat ditemukan hampir terus-menerus oleh siapa saja di suatu asosiasi. Jaringan kasual yang terdesentralisasi memberi pelanggan lebih banyak kontrol dan kebebasan. Seseorang dapat mengatur area lokal kasual mereka dan memilih bagaimana fungsinya dan apa yang dapat dikatakan pelanggan. Mungkin daripada memeriksa konten oleh asosiasi, koordinator asosiasi relasional terikat dapat mengatur pengaturan yang cukup langsung untuk situs.


The GuestCrew online media dan fenomena menakjubkan yang menampilkan jaringan telah ada sejak 2013. Kami adalah salah satu asosiasi energi kripto yang paling mapan di mana orang-orang kami memajukan dan meningkatkan konten di media online dan mendapatkan kompensasi dengan koin TAMU yang mereka peroleh dengan pertambangan ramah. Pemikiran tentang penambangan sosial ini adalah ide yang tidak biasa di mana orang-orang kami memajukan substansi di media online dan mendapatkan token di sepanjang jalur ini. Kami saat ini dapat bekerja dengan Twitter, Linkedin dan Tumblr dan bekerja di berbagai asosiasi juga.

Kami membuatnya masuk akal bagi Anda untuk didengar melalui ledakan dan keributan web. GuestCrew menggunakan sejumlah aplikasi sosial termasuk Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, LinkedIn dan Stumbleupon untuk mengumpulkan dan menyimpan penentuan, suka, tweet, dan komentar. Kemudian, kombinasi pembaruan ini dijatuhkan begitu saja setelah munculnya tujuan utama Anda, sambil membuat gebrakan besar tentang Anda, pesan Anda, dan situs Anda.

Jelas misi yang solid tidak hanya berkaitan dengan media online. Pelanggan GuestCrew juga memanfaatkan ringkasan blogger kami yang dibuat secara konsisten melalui grup Pengiklan Pro kami. Sebagai pakar pemasaran, Anda dapat memanfaatkan efek dan jangkauan sumber daya GuestCrew kami termasuk sejumlah besar pendukung sponsor pertemuan dan beberapa aktivis sosial melalui catatan email.

Kembali pada tahun 2013, dua sidekicks terjun ke bawah dan memutuskan untuk memulai fase untuk memungkinkan pebisnis meningkatkan kompas mereka dan memajukan asosiasi mereka lebih efektif di web. Blogger dan sponsor berpengalaman Uttoran Sen dan Angel Investor Oleg Kaluger memulai GuestCrew untuk menyatukan blogger, peneliti, cendekiawan, pakar materi media online, dan visioner bisnis. Itu berhasil. Sampai sekarang, setelah dua tahun, lebih dari 9.000 pasukan yang harus diperhitungkan dipilih di GuestCrew dengan sejumlah besar aktivis dan pembeli yang memanfaatkan organisasi mereka. Hanya dalam waktu singkat, GuestCrew telah menjadi salah satu fenomena menakjubkan yang menunjukkan panggung di web.

Sebagai kompromi untuk organisasi mereka, mereka akan mendapatkan imbalan dalam bentuk token yang dibuat oleh sistem. Aplikasi sosial kami menegaskan bahwa perkembangan tertentu telah dilakukan dan memberikan token sebagai hadiah. Token ini dapat digunakan untuk mendorong substansi mereka sendiri atau menyediakan bagian lain atau dihilangkan untuk Crypto Coin kami yang disebut sebagai TAMU dengan harga pasar.

Anda dapat bergabung dan membeli Tamu Koin:

Bagaimana Kru Tamu membantu bisnis saya?
Tepat ketika Anda memajukan sesuatu seperti bisnis, startup, hal, bagian blog atau buku terkomputerisasi, Anda membutuhkan buzz. Anda membutuhkan orang untuk membeli barang atau organisasi Anda dan cenderung ke situs Anda untuk mendengar lebih banyak sehubungan dengan apa yang Anda lakukan dan apa yang Anda tawarkan. Di sinilah Kru Tamu masuk. Kami memiliki alat, aplikasi, dan kekuatan yang harus diperhitungkan untuk membuat gebrakan bagi bisnis Anda.


Apakah Kru Tamu merupakan bantuan berbayar?
Tidak. Di Kru Tamu, kami menganggap orang-orang kami secara keseluruhan dan andal memiliki sistem gratis untuk individu yang memiliki rencana pengeluaran terbatas. Sebagai bagian, Anda dapat mempertahankan misi sosial yang ada melalui catatan sosial Anda sendiri atau bisnis Anda seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dan itu hanyalah petunjuk dari sesuatu yang lebih besar. Tepat ketika Anda berbagi, Anda mendapatkan kredit. Kredit ini tidak dapat dihilangkan untuk uang bersertifikat, tetapi dapat digunakan melalui pendirian kami untuk memulai misi sosial Anda sendiri.

Anda mengamankan beberapa tempat dalam lingkup 2 dan 20 kredit untuk mendukung misi. Semakin banyak pengikut yang Anda miliki, semakin banyak yang Anda dapatkan. Anda memerlukan sekitar 100 kredit ini untuk memulai misi ramah gratis. Untuk mendapatkan semua itu, Anda hanya perlu melakukan beberapa kampanye dan mengamankan jumlah kredit dasar untuk memulai misi gratis Anda sendiri.


Sistem Kredit Sistem
kredit adalah bagian lain yang sangat pintar dari Kru Tamu. Sebagai Pengiklan, Anda dapat membeli kredit untuk memulai Kampanye Anda atau Anda dapat memperoleh kredit tanpa mengeluarkan apa pun. Pengiklan dapat menggunakan Kartu Kredit atau Debit untuk membeli kredit melalui Kru Tamu. Kami memiliki stripe sebagai pengolah porsi kami, yang memungkinkan dengan sebagian besar Kredit Visa tidak dapat diambil. Mereka hanya dapat digunakan di situs Kru Tamu.

Kami menggunakan stripe untuk porsi yang bertahan lama, jadi saat ini Kartu Kredit adalah teknik porsi utama yang kami miliki di situs Guest Crew, namun kami mungkin memiliki berbagai pilihan. Jika Anda, sebagai spesialis pemasaran, ingin memperkenalkan sebagian melalui bantuan lain seperti pemindahan bank, Moneybookers, 2co, paypal, dll, kami mungkin memiliki alternatif untuk bekerja dengan Anda.


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Bitcointalk Username: Krishna Balagita
BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852251
Telegram Username:
Wallet : 0x317160A75af0104Bc7600791f28cd758aDB71B7a



About Pokeworld

A Pokemon-inspired NFTs, Pokeworld consists of magical NFT collections, where users can start to get some items on their hands.

Coming soon, Pokeworld will be adapted as a play-to-earn NFT game making NFT more valuable.



The project consist of a 1st collection of 500 unique Pokecoins, a utilitary NFTs to access to our 2nd collection of 10,000 Pokecards created, with which we illustrate by hand and were randomly select.

Epoch 1: Pokecoins

Our story begins with a first collection of 500 hand-drawn traits unique Pokecoins. The goal of this collection is to engage with our fans as well as give liquidity to the project to be able to finish the second collection.

We will recompensate with a Pokecard NFT for those who have minted a Pokecoin. The Pokecoins are based on Pokemon-inspired NFT coins and all of them are unique and preserved.

Each Pokecoin will have an initial price of 0,025 ETH. But, Pokecoin price will increase every 125 NFT minted! So, hurry up and minted your Pokecoin before the price increase.

Epoch 2: Pokecard

As shown before, Pokecoins are only the initial start point of the project and are designed as both collectible and utility NFTs.

Holders of Pokecoins will be rewarded with Pokecards, the NFT for the second phase of the game that will be launched in a second stage as a play-to-earn game. It can also be obtained by minting in our website or later in Opensea marketplace.

The second collection will consist of 10,000 unique NFT that can be used in our Pokeland, where users can enjoy plenty of benefits as well as our main token... or other tokens determined by the community! See our whitepaper.


How do I buy a Pokecoin?

You will need to have MetaMask installed and set up (If you don't know what MetaMask is or how to install it, please visit this link for instructions).

Then, you must visit Opensea marketplace here

In order to buy, connect with your wallet and use the minting interface to select how many Pokecoins you want to get.

Click the shiny mint h4, approve the transaction on MetaMask and catch them NFT all into your wallet!


How do I buy a Pokecard?

Pokecard could not be obtained after 1st collection is released and fully sold out. The steps will be similar to buy a Pokecoin. In this case, the Pokecard will be obtained inside our website or on Opensea if some buyer put it in sell.


Who are we?

Hi! We are two enthusiastic artist couples of our favorite saga from our childhood.

The project consist of a 1st collection of 500 unique Pokecoins, a utilitary NFTs to access to our 2nd collection of 10,000 Pokecards created, with which we illustrate by hand and were randomly selected by an algorithm.

We have been working hard to establish our own style based on Pokemon saga, and we're continuously looking for new ways to push ourselves.

We believe in our community and we are commited to get them valuable collections!



Phase 1: Q3 2021Project Development

  • Website development
  • Launch of Social Media channels
  • Creation and design of NFT
  • Shill Contests
  • Influencers Push
  • First audit

Phase 2: Q4 2021Project Launch

  • Launch on Opensea
  • 1st collection launch
  • Referral marketing program
  • Team expansion
  • Bounty program
  • New NFT designs

Phase 3: Q1 2022Project Maturity

  • Major marketing campaign
  • Sweepstakes and giveaways
  • CG and CMC listing
  • Partnerships with youtubers
  • First Limited Edition NFTs launch
  • Financial press articles

Phase 4: Q2-Q4 2022Project Expansion

  • Binance NFT Listing
  • Launching of Gaming P2E Platform
  • Partnerships
  • Community rewards
  • 2nd audit
  • Partnership with CEX and DEX NFT platforms



The project consist of a 1st collection of 500 unique Pokecoins, a utilitary NFTs to access to our 2nd collection of 10,000 Pokecards created, with which we illustrate by hand and were randomly selected by an algorithm.

We have been working hard to establish our own style based on Pokemon saga, and we're continuously looking for new ways to push ourselves.

We believe in our community and we are commited to get them valuable collections!

Ash: Blockchain Expert

Misty: Designer

James: Community Manager

Jessie: Designer


For more information please follow the link below:



Discord chat:





Bitcointalk Username: Krishna Balagita
BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852251
Telegram Username:
Wallet : 0x317160A75af0104Bc7600791f28cd758aDB71B7a




Lepasa is a mythological virtual life conceptualized by the team artists and engineered by blockchain enthusiasts. His vision is to build an ecosystem that allows users to create, experience, and monetize their content and apps. Every creativity on Lepasa is an NFT token (ERC-721) and is always owned by its holder on the ethereum blockchain, giving them complete control wherever and whatever they want to use it. Creature is a rare digital asset that is non-exchangeable, transferable, stored in Ethereum smart contracts.


Recently it has garnered great interest of people in the virtual world of the world, both for fun and experience. Unlike other virtual properties, Lepasa is not controlled by a centralized organization. There is no single authority with the power to change the rules of the software, content, token economy, or prevent others from accessing it. This document describes the ideology, technical establishment, and economics of Freelancing.



Lepasa's vision, is to create a mythological world that is a beautiful legendary habitat. Which will offer a social experience with an economy driven by subsoil and unique creatures of the owner, with content distribution. Developers will be able to build apps on top of Freelance, distribute them to users, and monetize them.


In future projects it may be possible to implement peer-to-peer communication, scripting systems for interactive content, and cryptocurrency payment systems for transactions in the world. Communication layer for social experience, providing positioning, posture, voice chat, and more; This can be achieved with a P2P network. A script system is a tool that landowners can use to describe the behavior and interactions of 3D objects, sounds, and applications running on land blocks.


The planned zone and its above-ground development capabilities will make the Lepasa block of land unique. Each land block will be defined with a unique address with the special characteristics of the area. This will help for spatial discovery of new content and creation of custom themes. Blocks in Lepasa have improved proximity counts. In addition, adjacent content beams can be seen from a distance. For content creators, the formation of zones providing access to targeted traffic; for the end user, it allows discovery of themed experiences. Users can travel through the environment and interact with applications that they stumble. Developers can acquire users by buying land in high-interest areas. This will allow a secondary market to develop around land ownership and leasing, as it already is happened to another virtual world project.


Possible Use Cases

  • Applications & Games: The scripting language would allow to develop the applications, games, gambling, and dynamic 3D scenes and to handle a wide range of capabilities, including creating objects, loading textures, handling physics, encoding user interactions, sounds, payments, and external calls, among others.

  • Advertising: Brands may advertise using billboards near, or in, high-interest land blocks to promote their products, services, and events. Some neighbourhoods may become virtual versions of prominent locations for advertisers because of high interest of users. Additionally, brands may showcase products, services and create shared experiences to engage with their audience.

  • Digital Collectibles (NFT): We expect users to publish, distribute, and collect rare digital assets issued by Lepasa and the other blockchain projects by their creators. Just as it occurs today in other virtual worlds or through online forums, these digital assets would be traded inside this world through the scripting system and be backed by the aforementioned naming system.


NFT Overview

Non-Fungible Tokens are a new and exciting product in the luxury market. As the crypto community is blessed in terms of scrutiny, But the current offering is not mature enough to monetize the market.

NFT is still in its early stages in many aspects. And there are many strong use case for potential business in the current situation ie.

  • A. Art
  • B. Virtual Land
  • C. Gaming
  • D. Animated Collectibles

These four categories are considered most promising being NFTs and In the future Lepasa shall serve all of them.


#lepasa #nft #blockchain #NFTs #Marketplace #Game #Metaverse



Lepasa legendaries are exclusively crafted for the Lepasa community and can be grabbed with $LEPA tokens only.

  • High Liquidity: The $LEPA token provides enough liquidity to project for swapping between NFT and token
  • Hyper Deflation: Each swap burns $LEPA token, that ensures continuous scarcity.
  • Staking: Hold $LEPA tokens and stake to earn rewards.
  • Crosschain: Access $LEPA on multiple public blockchains.


It is important for you to know the token economy and how we will use the funds.

  • Total Supply: 100 M
  • Initial Circulating Supply: Less then 10%
  • Listing Price: $0.15
  • Publicc Sale: $0.10

Token Distribution

Everything you want know about Lepasa Token Distribution.

  • 1 % Public sale - Price: $0.10
  • Listing Price - $0.15
  • Strategic & Private Distribution - 10% shall be vested on-listing, Then daily vesting over a period of 365 days.
  • Foundational Reserve - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.
  • Marketing & Business Development - 10% vested on listing, Then daily vesting over 365 days.
  • Liquidity - 10% of the total supply is allocated for liquidity.
  • Team - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.
  • Advisors - After 1 year, Daily vesting over 365 days.

Fund Usage

This is how the funding is going to be used.

  • 40% of the funds will be used to support the development.
  • Marketing actions such as go-to market strategy will account for 20% of the total funds raised.
  • Legal and Accountancy will represent 10% of the total funds raised.
  • 30% of funds will be used to provide liquidity to exchanges.


This is what I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:



Bitcointalk Username: Krishna Balagita
BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852251
Telegram Username:
Wallet : 0x317160A75af0104Bc7600791f28cd758aDB71B7a




Online gaming has undoubtedly become a phenomenon that can no longer be ignored. Millions of people across the world play a variety of games – some professionally, some casually. While gaming was a niche a year ago, it’s now the norm for many young people. Play-to-earn tossed around a lot lately. Play-to-earn is exactly what it sounds like – a business model where users get to play a game and earn cryptocurrency while doing it. It’s a very powerful psychological model because it combines two activities that have been driving mankind since the dawn of time – making money and entertainment. The key component in this model is to give gamers ownership over certain in-game assets and allow them to increase their value by playing the game actively. Usually, in the crypto world, defining the ownership and even transferring it is possible through the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Recently a new concept called Metaverse is gaining so much popularity in the gaming industry. Imagine a world where everything is possible, so long as it’s designed and developed. It can be described as a world of endless and interconnected virtual realities where people can play, meet, work, and do whatever they want, using headsets, AR devices, and other smart gadgets.

For players looking to get involved in these blockchain-based VR games and start earning cryptocurrency and NFTs, here is another potential project is Revomon.

Market studies by well-established entities such as Goldman Sachs Investment, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) USA and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) China underscore the fact that the VR sector has a huge potential over the coming decades.

To help visualise this we will look at research from the Nielsen firm and its subsidiary "SuperData" who study the gaming industry closely.

In 2020, the virtual reality market (hardware and software) was valued at around 40 billion dollars.

What is Revomon?

Revomon (Revolution Monsters) is an immersive new Virtual Reality RPG game where items and monsters are truly owned by its users through NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). The game aims to be a community-driven model bringing together the best of blockchain and VR gaming.

Revomon is an exciting new Metaverse that combines an incredible, immersive virtual-reality experience with the ground-breaking technology behind NFTs. This synergy will allow for the creation of real value in a virtual world by leveraging blockchain technology.


Vision of Revomon

Revomon’s vision is to become the first VR game powered by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. Revomon is bringing four new dimensions to the gaming industry through the Revomon native token, $REVO: Ownership, Play to earn, Project Governance, Staking.


  • Ownership: Gamers spend hours trying to obtain an epic item with great value in the game, but once they stop playing these in-game treasuries vanishes from their account. Except for a few emerging blockchain games, the entire world of gaming is being stored on centralized databases. This results in a world where players have no true sovereignty over their characters and items, rendering them perpetually reliant on centralized entities. The Revomon project solves this issue by allowing players to maintain ownership of all their looted items, crafted items, and caught monsters. This is all enabled through tokenization. Each player will be able to convert their assets into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which are linked to their own personal wallets.

  • Play to earn: Revomon challenges the classic parent’s complaint - “You waste your time playing these stupid games !”. Now you’ll be able to confidently say with Revomon you are not wasting your time anymore, because the more time you spend in-game, the more rewards you will claim. Your time will be spent reaching new levels and zones and unlocking various achievements. Revomon, at its core, is about creating a great gaming experience that also has a functional and valuable economy.

  • Governance (DAO): Revomon uses a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) enabled through the $REVO governance token. $REVO develops synergy between the community and the team, and allows a community-driven model for decision making. Each token represents a voice that can be expressed through votes on the future decisions of the platform. In short, a decentralized board of directors is created for this project, and you can become part of it.

  • Staking/Farming: Revomon’s ecosystem will create an interesting way of generating passive revenue for a limited time in its early stages, through staking and yield farming pools. 35.2% of the max supply will be held in the RevoVault and will be used solely to reward all users that stake or provide liquidity to feed DeFi protocols such as Uniswap and Quick swap. Simply put, by adding liquidity, you will be able to stake the LP tokens received to earn $REVO tokens based on a variable APY.



Here, players will assume the role of a Revomon Tamer and learn how their real-life gestures will let them interact with the virtual world we have created.

"Revomon crashed to Earth long before the evolution of humanity into the planet’s dominant force.
As time passed however, these creatures were forced to adapt to the presence of humanity. As this change occurred, Revomon Tamers managed to bring great benefits to the human race by harnessing the incredible power of the monsters. Many mysteries still remain around the magical capabilities of the Revomon, as it seems that Tamers have only just begun to understand their true power.


Throughout the years various factions have emerged who see the revomon for different purposes:

  1. The scientists, who wish to study these revomon and to understand and catalogue their unique abilities.
  2. The secret society, made up of the world's most elite and powerful people, they see revomon as nothing but a tool to be used for profit.
  3. The anarchists, who believe the world was better when humans and revomon were equal, their goal is to use revomon to disturb the peace.

Select your Tamer and train your Revomon in a first-person environment within VR, and explore the environment by interacting with various elements. Use your slingshot to throw energy balls at Revomon to catch or release them."



Players can be rewarded for the hours they spend playing Revomon. Time is valuable and the items they collect while playing will have value for other players. The game is developed with this core aim in mind. Revomon is powered by REVO Token, which works as the native currency of the Revomon platform.


Token Utility

All rewards on platform like events, competitions, quests, in-game achievement, Collectible NFT's are paid in REVO tokens

  • REVO will be used as a payment mode in Revomo's in-house marketplace for buy-sell Revomons.

  • REVO can be used as a governance token on the platform and allows a community-driven model for decision-making.

  • Each token represents a voice that can be expressed through votes

  • REVO can be used for Staking, Farming, Liquidity, and early game access.

  • Token Name: Revomon

  • Token Ticker: REVO

  • Network: Binance Smart Chain

  • Total Supply: 100,000,000 REVO


Although Virtual Reality technology seems new, it has now been around for more than a decade, and companies like Oculus have been key in getting devices into people’s hands. Indeed, Oculus is currently the leader in terms of sales and active users in the VR market, which is why they are the ideal first target for the launch of Revomon.

The collectible monster game category lacks content on VR stores, and currently there is no VR game of a similar type which also utilises blockchain technology with a collectible game. As the time spent collecting monsters in games like Pokémon can be considerable, the ownership of these monsters is something that is clearly desirable, and NFTs can finally provide ultimate ownership.


This is what I can convey in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I provide below:



Bitcointalk Username: Krishna Balagita
BitcoinTalk Profile URL:;u=2852251
Telegram Username:
Wallet : 0x317160A75af0104Bc7600791f28cd758aDB71B7a